Answer:ADDING ONTO 0330’s answer. It is believed by many that the advance in technology is great for our society, but basing my opinion on how technology has already altered our lifestyles, I think it is safe to say that technology could actually be harmful to our futures. With movies and novels based on a technologically advanced future have already been released, it paints a picture for our futures and what the worls around us could look like. It has already taken over with social media and phone usage. There are 6 year olds nowadays walking around with Iphones. As technology advances, it is likely we could lose job opportunities, develop an increase in mental health issues and depression or even obesity. The rise of social media has given the general population accessibility to more information to worry about. It encourages the following of trends and provides a new tool for criminals to use in rather... disgusting ways. Politicians and people can voice their opinions to a widespread audience and have a great chance of influencing children to develop negative and critical opinions early on in life. For example during the 2016 election, all of my other classmates would say things about "trump is this" and "trump is that." I had no Idea what they we're talking g about because I didn't have a phone until this year. There have been times I have been ignored by my mother because she was on social media, or my friend would do nothing but be on social media all of the time. Though the technology has its benefits, there are many aspect that hurt the social scructure of our species.