a. two normal copies of 21, two normal copies of 14 – I (normal)
b. one 21 to 14 translocation, two normal copies of 21, one normal copy of 14 - II
c. one normal copy of 21, two normal copies of 14 – III This is monosomy 21 which is lethal*.
d. one normal copy of 14, one normal copy of 21, one 21 to 14 translocation – I This is called balanced translocation (translocation carrier)
e. one normal copy of 14, two normal copies of 21- III This is monosomy 14 which is lethal.
f. two normal copies of 14, one normal copy of 21, one 21 to 14 translocation – III This is trisomy of chromosome 14 and it is lethal.
* lethal leads to spontaneous abortion.