1- The correct answers are A and B. During the IMPERIAL CRISIS, Roman generals warred over succession. These conflicts drew soldiers away from the frontier and made the empire vulnerable to INFLATION .
The imperial crisis makes reference to a historical period of the Roman Empire, of fifty years of duration, included between the death of the emperor Severus Alexander, in the year 235, and the ascent of Diocletian to the throne in the year 284. This was a period of deep crisis, during which there were strong pressures from the peoples outside the Empire and a strong political, economic and social crisis in the interior of the Empire. Both in Italy and in the provinces ephemeral powers without legal basis emerged, while economic life was marked by the uncertainty of production, the difficulty of transportation and the ruin of the currency due to inflation, among others.
2- The correct answer is E, as the Huns contributed to the fall of the western Roman Empire as they drove Germanic people into the Empire.
In 444, the Huns were united and submitted to the authority of Attila. They surpassed several other groups, predominantly Germanic, whose power was based in part on their permanent ability to reward their main followers with precious metals, and they continued to attack the Eastern Empire until 450; by then they had obtained large sums of money and many other concessions from this.
3- The correct answer is C, as the wars with the Sasanian Persians made the Byzantines vulnerable against Muslim Turks attacks.
The Byzantine-Sasanian war of 602-628 was the last and most devastating of the Roman-Sasanian wars. It was disputed by the Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire. The previous contest between the two powers had ended in 591, when Emperor Maurice helped the Sassanid king Khosrow II to recover the Persian throne. In 602, Maurice was killed by his rival Phocas. Khosrow then declared war on the murderer, in theory to avenge the late Maurice. The war turned out to be the longest between the two powers, and was disputed by all the Near East, from Egypt to the Caucasus.
The conflict exhausted the two empires and did not give them any advantage. It turned them, on the contrary, vulnerable to Islam, whose armies invaded their territories some years after concluding the long struggle. In a few years, the Muslim armies conquered the entire Sassanid Empire and stripped Byzantium of the Levant, Egypt, Armenia and the Maghreb.
4- The correct answers are C and F. Today, the POPE still heads the Roman Catholic Church, which is centered on Rome. There is no longer a Byzantine emperor, but each country has its own PATRIARCH to lead the Eastern Orthodox Church there.
5- The correct answers are A and C. The teachings of Jesus became a religion in large part because THE APOSTLES spread his teachings and gathered followers. Paul carried Christian beliefs throughout the Roman empire and attracted many NON JEWS.