Read the poem which follows and select the emotions and imagery of a parent's perspective on a child's death that also appear in The Sweet Hereafter.
"Luna Rayne" by Susan Michalski
I hold this tiny thought
in my fist
if my moon girl
she'd dance
through the storm puddles
left behind
in my next dream
and sing like rain
on canvas
for one brilliant moment
as I recall
The lonely image of the moon
The feeling of anger like a fist
The feeling of being in a dream
The feeling of living in memories
The feeling of joy one has when dancing
2)Read the poem which follows and select the symbols and imagery of death that also appear in The Sweet Hereafter.
"Absence" by Amy Lowell
My cup is empty to-night,
Cold and dry are its sides,
Chilled by the wind from the open window.
Empty and void, it sparkles white in the moonlight.
The room is filled with the strange scent
Of wisteria blossoms.
They sway in the moon's radiance
And tap against the wall.
But the cup of my heart is still,
And cold, and empty.
When you come, it brims
Red and trembling with blood,
Heart's blood for your drinking;
To fill your mouth with love
And the bitter-sweet taste of a soul.
The cold
The darkness
the moonlight
The sweetness
The empty cup
Read the poem which follows and select the emotions and imagery of an outsider's perspective of death that also appear in The Sweet Hereafter.
"Every Death Is Magic from the Enemy to Be Avenged" by Brooks Haxton
When fever burned the last light out of my daughter's eyes,
I swore to find and kill the ones to blame. Men
must mount the long boat in the dark with spears.
At dawn, where the flowering spicebush hid my scent,
I crouched. A young wife, newborn slung across her chest,
came first for spring water. She stooped. My god,
for vengeance, spoke her secret name inside my ear. Her god
stepped back with no scream, his right hand at his mouth,
the knuckles clenched between the pointed teeth.
The idea of secrets being told
The idea of assigning blame
The image of the flowering bush
The image of the pointy teeth
The image of the newborn
Read the poem which follows and select the emotions and imagery of an outsider's perspective of death that also appear in The Sweet Hereafter.
"There's been a Death, in the Opposite House" by Emily Dickinson
There's been a Death, in the Opposite House,
As lately as Today —
I know it, by the numb look
Such Houses have — always —
The Neighbors rustle in and out —
The Doctor — drives away —
A Window opens like a Pod —
Abrupt — mechanically —
Somebody flings a Mattress out —
The Children hurry by —
They wonder if it died — on that —
I used to — when a Boy —
The Minister — goes stiffly in —
As if the House were His —
And He owned all the Mourners — now —
And little Boys — besides —
And then the Milliner — and the Man
Of the Appalling Trade —
To take the measure of the House —
There'll be that Dark Parade —
Of Tassels — and of Coaches — soon —
It's easy as a Sign —
The Intuition of the News —
In just a Country Town —
The image of the undertaker
The numbness of the bereaved
The curiosity of the children
The image of the casket and the procession
Survivors looking to the church for comfort