10 5/12
When the numerator is larger than the denominator, we take groups of whole fractions (The numerator and denominator are equal) and add 1 to the whole number for each group. Whatever remains when we no longer have the numerator larger than the denominator is left as a fraction.
6 3/4 + 3 2/3
We need to get a common denominator
The common denominator is 12
We need to rename the fractional parts to out of 12
6 3/4 = 6 3/4*3/3 = 6 9/12
3 2/3 = 3 2/3*4/4 = 3 8/12
6 9/12+ 3 8/12
9 17/12
But the numerator is larger than the denominator
We take 12/12 from the fraction and add it to the whole number
9 17/12-12/12 +1
9+1 5/12
10 5/12