The Sun and moon both has its impacts on the hydrosphere region on earth. Hydrosphere refers to all the regions that covers the water bodies on earth. About 70% of the earth surface is covered by water.
The sun plays an important role as it warms the ocean water in the equatorial and the polar region that increases the temperature of the water on the surface of the oceans. Due to this heating the less dense water molecules slowly starts rising to the atmosphere, forming convection current. These rising air molecules then cools and starts condensing, that results in the precipitation. The sun can increase or decrease the rate of evaporation and both these sun and hydrosphere are directly related to one another.
The moon also has certain impacts on the hydrosphere. The moon has the ability to pull the water surface to an upper limit. This means the tidal effect that generates due to the attraction of the moon and the earth. As a result of which the high tide and low tide occurs, by increasing or decreasing the sea level. Thus, the moon also is directly related to the earth's hydrosphere region.