LEDCs stands for Less Economical Developed Country. In general, LEDCs are non-industrial nations. they dont have the base of manufacturing the poor. Another word for LEDCs is Third World nations, so its the majority of the world outside of Europe, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Israel, Japan and the former Soviet Block nations will fall under this designation.
MEDCs stands for More Economical Developed Country. MEDCs are industrialised nations with large scale industry and a high gross-domestic-product rating. The Citizens of these countries are usually economically well off with a small chance of starvation. They are also referred to as First World nations. They include all of the nations listed above with the exception of the Soviet Block nations which are known as Second World nations.
So to put it this way, think of LEDC as the congo in africa, now think of The united states as MEDC. LEDC will be the third world country and MEDC eill be the First world country.