Infinitives are formed with the proposition to + a verb in its base form
Gerunds are formed with a verb + ing ending
* Gerunds are in bold and infinitives underlined
1 Persecuting Christians was a favorite past time of several Roman emperors.
2 Nero enjoyed blaming Christians for many of Rome's troubles.
3 His goal was to eradicate Christianity.
4 To be worshiped by his subjects was the desire of Emperor Domitian
5 Christians were asked to reject Christ and worship the Emperor.
6 Christians might escape death by recanting their faith, but must refused.
7 The desire to obey the Lord led many Christians to physical death but spiritual reward
8 They comfort was believing the promises of God's Word.
The sentences have the following uses:
Subject ( Person place or idea being something or doing something, active part of the sentence) 1,4
Direct Object (Person or thing that receives the action of the subject) 2,5
Predicate Nominative (a phrase that completes a copulative verb) 8.3,7
Object of prepositions (noun or phrase after a preposition that completes its meaning) 6
Appositive (a noun that renames or identify another noun)