1) Utilizas esto para dirigir (to direct) el carro a la izquierda o a la derecha mientras conduces.
A rough translation of this is:
"You use it to direct your car to the left or the right while you are driving"
This may be the steering wheel, or "volante" in spanish.
2) Se usa para dejar mensajes cuando llamas por teléfono a alguien y no te contesta.
A rough translation of this is:
"It is used to leave messajes when you call someone and does not answer"
This may be an answer machine, or a "contestadora" in Spanish.
3) Con este aparato (appliance) puedes ver películas.
A rough translation of this is:
"Whit this device, you can see movies"
This may be a dvd player, or a "reproductor de dvd" in Spanish.
4) En inglés, este elemento de la computadora tiene el nombre de un animal pequeño.
A rough translation of this is:
"In English, this element of the computer has the name of a little animal"
This is the mouse, or "raton" in Spanish.
5) El motor del coche está cubierto (covered) con esto.
A rough translation of this is:
"A car engine is covered with this"
This may be the car's hood, or "capo" in Spanish.
6) Es un tipo de teléfono portátil.
A rough translation of this is:
"It is a type of portable phone"
This is a celullar phone, or "telefono celular" in Spanish.
7) Todos los coches tienen cuatro.
A rough translation of this is:
"every car has four"
Here the answer is "wheels" or "ruedas".
8) En este objeto puedes ver lo que escribes con la computadora.
"In this object you can see what are you writting with your computer"
This may be the comuter's screen, or "pantalla" in Spanish.