Well when I move to SC, into a new school and of course a new home. The first day I went to school it was cool, nothing like I imagine it to be. Everyone was asking who I was, so I told them my name. The next day I went, people started to ask we're I was from, my naive self said we're I was from. After three days of people asking me questions, like they never seen a human before, but the ones that was already there. Days went by and I noticed things that I have never went through in my life. I met three girls that seemed cool, started to associated with them, later on down the lines things changed, but you know how that goes. I started to have some issues with some people at the school that changed me, but thank god I didn't fully charged. I started to get bullied from people at the school. It went on for a long time. As soon as I started to step up for myself, my plans didn't work out like I thought it would. I told my school canceller, she started to try and help me, but after a few times going to her she started thinking I need cancelling, but I would have, but I know that feeling when someone is judging me, she would look t me funny, and say you should be able to handle situations like this. She very though that I needed medication, because I got into a fight with someone. Obviously I stopped going to her, and started handling it my own.
That's the end of my situation, probably didn't help you.