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Vivimos tiempos veloces e imprevisibles, en los que los avances de la tecnología y los retrocesos de la historia lo transforman todo de forma continua y el presente ha cambiado tanto que el futuro tampoco es ya lo que era. You answered Se apoya en evidencia convincente. incorrect "En cualquier caso, parece obvio que ha llegado el momento de prepararse para lo desconocido". You answered Parece ser una perspectiva subjetiva. correct "Parece evidente que el kilómetro cero del futuro está en la palabra tecnología". Parece ser verosímil. incorrect "Todo lo cual vuelve a decirnos que en el fondo van a cambiar más las formas que los moldes: los intermediarios se llamarán gestores, y poco más". You answered Es una conclusión lógica. correct "Cuando estemos allí, tendremos todo el día en los labios esas palabras que ahora suenan tan extranjeras..." Parece ser un hecho.

User Julio Diaz
6.5k points

1 Answer

3 votes

We live in fast and unpredictable times, in which advances in technology and setbacks in history transform everything continuously and the present has changed so much that the future is not what it used to be. You answered It relies on convincing evidence. incorrect "In any case, it seems obvious that the time has come to prepare for the unknown." You answered It seems to be a subjective perspective. "It seems clear that the zero kilometer of the future is in the word technology". It seems to be true. incorrect "All of which tells us again that in the end the forms will change more than the molds: intermediaries will be called managers, and little else". You answered It's a logical conclusion. "When we are there, we will have all the words on our lips that now sound so foreign ..." It seems to be a fact.

User Skull
6.6k points