Beauty is an abstract notion linked to numerous aspects of human existence. Beauty is studied within the philosophical discipline of aesthetics, in addition to other disciplines such as history, sociology and social psychology. Vulgarly beauty is defined as the characteristic of a thing that through a sensory experience (perception) provides a feeling of pleasure or a feeling of satisfaction. In this sense, it comes from manifestations such as shape, visual appearance, movement and sound, although it is also associated, to a lesser extent, with flavors and smells. In this line and emphasizing the visual aspect, Thomas Aquinas defines the beautiful as that which pleases the eye (quae visa placet).
After what has been explained it can be said that the woman in the painting is a beautiful woman for some people and maybe not for others. This woman could be considered beautiful in the current society of the USA, since beauty depends on the context in which she is. Surely there will be people who appreciate the beauty of it, and others who will not. Precisely this depends on the place in which one develops, the society in which he lives and his context in general.