Crime scene is a place where, potential physical evidences related to a crime can be found. These evidences are collected by crime scene investigators. The three ways of recording the crime scene are:
1. Photography/videography: Photography and videography is the first tool which a investigator should use in order to capture the details of the crime scene. This is beneficial because the crime scene will not be remain the same for long with passage of time. It is useful to record the original state of the crime scene. Overview, mid-range and close range shots should be taken, in order to record the entire crime scene and also to capture the details associated with it. Videography is also important as it captures the details which are otherwise not being captured in the photography.
2. Sketching: It is another way, which can be used to record the crime scene. The sketch is prepared of the entire crime scene. The sketch mostly includes position of the dead body with respect to other objects or wall.
3. Note making: Notes are prepared by the crime scene investigator in order to record the details of collected physical evidence like type, color, position, overview of the entire scene.