1. B.) passing the Sedition Act
The sedition act prohibited the citizens from criticizing the central government. This was an effort made by the American central government i the past in order to silence their position and maintain the supreme power of the central government.
2. B. Nullification Doctrine
Nullification doctrine refers to the way of thinking that believe all states had the right to refuse the legislations created by the central government if those legislations are unconstitutional. This nullification doctrine was created in response to the sedition act.
3. C.) The Sedition Act made false statements about public officials a crime.
The problem with this is that the one that determine which statement is false and which statement is correct would be the investigators owned by the federal government. Because of this, the republicans believe that the sedition act was extremely unconstitutional and violate their rights for free speech.
4. D.) reserved Powers
The reserved powers can only be initiated by the leaders of the state. For example, everytime producers in a state exported their products, they need to pay a certain amount of tax rate to the government. The right to determine this export tax rate is reserved only to the states, the federal government cannot do anything to influence it.
5. B. Greek city-states
Unitary system of the government refers to a form of system that give a complete supremacy for the federal government to make all laws/legislation in the country. The greek city states do not have the power to regulate their own states. They are only the extension of the federal government.
6. C. States to live up to their obligations to each other
full faith and credit clause require requries each states to give complete respect to the judicial proceedings and public acts that made by other states, This clause can be voided if the state is proven to make proceedings or publics acts that considered to be unconstituional