Below you will find a general paragraph concerning the topics. Feel free to adapt and change anything to fit yourself and your personality.
Step-by-step explanation:
I am a daughter, a student, a sister, a friend. And I have to perform those roles according to my own and someone else's expectations. While my parents and teachers think I should always be busy studying, my siblings and friends expect me to have enough free time to dedicate to their needs.
I love music, movies - but not horror -, books, blue skies, warm weather, cats, solitude. I haven't learned to enjoy the company of all kinds people, especially prejudiced or conceited ones. I love those who are open-minded.
I believe in true freedom. The freedom to be yourself, to go places and learn something new, to be honest about anything. Society claims that we have such freedom, but we don't. We have to live up to expectations, to be at a certain place at a certain time, to read this specific book but not that blog, to say what is polite but not what is sincere. I believe we're missing out on great things. If freedom were true, if it were real, everyone would live to their full potential.