A physical map of Antarctica is shown, with color-coded elevations. Green represents 0 to 649 ft (1 to 199 m), light green represents 650 to1649 ft (200 to 499 m), yellow represents 1650 to 3249 ft (500 to 999 m), light orange represents 3250 to 6549 ft (1000 to 1999 m), and dark orange represents 6550 ft (2000 m). Dark orange and light orange shades most of the surface area of Antarctica, with green and yellow along the borders of the west Antarctic peninsula. Longitude lines are shown converging in a spherical pattern around the continent, with 90 degrees W and 90 degrees E cutting through the mainland horizontally, and the international dateline (0 degrees and 180 degrees) cutting through vertically. Clockwise from 0 degrees, 30 degrees E, 60 degrees E, 90 degrees E, 120 degrees E, 150 degrees E, 180 degrees E, 150 degrees W, 120 degrees W, 90 degrees W, 60 degrees W, and 30 degrees W are shown. Latitude lines are also shown encircling the continent. 50 degrees S and 60 degrees S outside of the mainland, 70 degrees S on the outer edge of the continent, and 80 degrees S in the interior part of the continent. Off the coast of western Antarctica, a large permanent ice pack is labeled throughout portions of the Bellingshausen, Amundsen, Ross, and Weddell Seas, between the coordinates 60 to 70 degrees S and 30 degrees W and 150 degrees W. All waters directly off the coast of the continent are labeled as permanent ice packs. The Ross Ice Shelf is shown in the bay between the western and eastern portions of the continent, at approximately 160 degrees W, 80 degrees S. The Ronne Ice Shelf is shown near the northwestern coast, at approximately 60 degrees W and 80 degrees S.
© 2012 The Exploration Company
At which of these coordinates can the Indian Ocean be found?
60° S latitude; 60° E longitude
70° S latitude; 60°E longitude
0° latitude; 90° W longitude
80° S latitude; 90° W longitude