Answer: C. by setting up industries in Southeast Asia.
Read this paragraph and see if you agree:
The main reason that the Europeans came to South East Asia, was to accumulate wealth.Their arrival can be broken down into 2 different phases. The early phase was before the industrial revolution and the second phase was during the industrial revolution itself. During the early phase, the Europeans came to spread Christianity, to keep themselves up to date with navigation developments such as ship building,(which the Europeans needed as they mostly travelled on ship for trade.) navigational skills etc. and for spice trade. The second phase, consisted of the Europeans coming over for a cheap source of raw materials(there were ample in SEA.).; Secondly, they came to build Empires, and to "civilise" the less educated, the less fortunate(also known as the white man's burden) etc. Lastly, there was a need to find new markets and to compete without other European powers in SEA.