Question 1: The correct answer is C: The Iroquois cut down trees to clear land for farming
The Iroquois cut and cleared the forests around them to create a space for the village and the surrounding fields for farming. They were expert farmers and lived on the resources of the woods. The Iroquois lived near the forests, thus were known as the Eastern Woodland Indians because their food, shelter, clothing, weapons, and tools came from the forests around them.
Question 2: The correct answer is C: They taught the English how to plant certain crops
The Native Americans contributed and helped first settlers from England when they taught them survival skills. The native people, for example, showed the British Settlers how to plant certain crops such as corn and tobacco as they understood the land and environment. These first settlers wanted land as there was enough land for everyone to use and plant crops and with time more settlers arrived and took more land.
Question 3: The correct answer is A: They learnt how to become excellent fishermen
The Native Americans who lived near the Pacific were different from those who did not as they practiced fishing and gathering cultures which were characterized through there simple technologies, sparse population, and egalitarian bands. These communities had plenty of food to meet the needs of the population compared to the farming societies. Water transport was also used for subsistence purposes and for trade between tribes and later fur traders.
Question 4: The correct answer is B. It was a way of passing culture over time.
Some Native Americans take part in traditional activities and wear traditional clothing as a way of passing culture over time from generation to generation. The Native American cultures and values have not changed since antiquity and are still practiced today. First, it is conservation where the Native American’s have always believed in the need to protect Mother Earth and to use her resources wisely. Another significant Native American value is respect through the belief that all of life is sacred inclusive of the mountains, lakes, plants, animals, and people. Native American values and cultures believe that everything and everyone is connected. Some native Americans also wear traditional clothing in times of events to signify their cultures.
Question 5: The correct answer is D. Many native Americans live on reservations and follow American laws
The Native Americans have moved from their lands into urban areas to become “productive” members of society. It is estimated that 78% of the Native Americans live off-reservations while 72% live in urban or suburban environments. Native Americans have chosen to leave the reservations (even if reluctantly). In the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, reservation life was often viewed as unwelcoming, and there was a lack of economic opportunities. It was also characterized by low paying jobs and high expenses, combined with the inability to return to reservations which were often dissolved, leaving many in precarious circumstances. As United States citizens the natives are generally subjected to federal, state, and local laws.