The correct answer is option letter C (Those who support slavery are evil, and their souls are doomed.). The book “Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery” by Ottobah Cugoano (1999) is a criticism of slavery by Cugoano, an African descent. In his writing, Cugoano rejects the idea of pro-slavery of that day. In this excerpt presented above, Cugoano argues that the men who worked with slaves (“such men”) had advantages that he did not envied, since those advantages were not good or appreciated. Cugoano describes such men as “that of a blacker kind” of black, a colour that in this case does not describe their skin but their actions and souls. Therefore, that idea would be the nearest clue of their “infernal hue”, that is, that “such men” that support slavery are evil, and their souls are doomed.