According with the instruction these are the matched items:
CRUCIFIXION: match with Number 7. (Execution by Torture) because the crucifixion was a type of death penalty that consisted in the torture of the human being whose limbs were pressed with nails on a wooden cross until he died.
NESTORIUS match with number 3. (TWO PERSONS). Because according to the history Nestorius professed the doctrine of Nestorianism, which consisted in considering Jesus radically separated into two natures: one human and one divine forming two completely independent persons. Therefore, according to this doctrine, Jesus is considered to be God and also a Man at the same time.
ADVOCATED match with number 11 (DEFENSE LAWYER). Because is the person in charge to defend or intercede for other people according to the mandates of the law.
EUTYCHUS match with number 1. (ONE NATURE).
CROSS match with number 9. (SYMBOL OF BLESSING) because is the principal symbol of the christian religion and means to remember the death of Jesus Christ in exchange for the redemption of the world sins. That's why for a Christian to make the sign of the cross is an act of faith.
MARTYR THEORY match with number 12. (MINIMIZES SIN) Because according with this theory those who are or have been martyrs as the disciples of Jesus have reduced their sins.
ATONEMENT Match with number 8. (COVERING FOR SIN), Because the meaning of Atonement is reparation for a wrong or injury, which is similar to the meaning of Covering for sin.
EMMANUEL match with number. 4. (GOD WITH US), because Emmanuel in Hebrew means God with us.
LOGOS match with number 2. (THE WORD) Because the meaning of “Logos” is exactly the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order.
MORAL GOVERNMENTAL THEORY match with number 10. (UNITARIANS) Because unitarianism is a Christian movement called in that way because of its belief that God is only one person and are totally opposed to the holiest trinity which defines God as (three different people and one true God). In the same way the belief of the Moral Governmental Theory is similar to the Unitarians.
ANGEL OF LORD Match with the number 6. (THE BURNING BUSH), because there is a narrative biblical recognized as “Moses and the Burning bush” and in this narrative the angel of the lord is described as appearing in the bush, in the place where Moses is grazing the flock.
SATISFACTION THEORY match with number 13. (ANSELM), because he was the one who proposed the satisfaction theory. In this theory Jesus christ’s death is understood as a death to satisfy the justice of God and satisfaction in this context means restitution or reparation of sins word.
IMMUTABLE match with number 5. (UNCHANGEABLE). Because the meaning of the two words: IMMUTABLE AND UNCHANGEABLE are the same: impossible to change.