Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra made a big contrast that shows antithesis between Sancho Panza and Don Quixote, in his famous book The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha, also known as Don Quixote.
Don Quixote, (Alonso Quixano), is a well educated gentlemen who loves to read adventures. He is idealistic and always seeks the good in people, and one day he decides to go on adventures with his best friend Sancho Panza, who is a realistic person, Sancho Panza is not as educated as Don Quixote but he is very wise, and centered. Sancho is a peasant loyal to Don Quixote, he follows him on the adventures in the promise of wealth. While Don Quixote represents the idealistic side, Sancho Panza represents the realistic and objective side.
During the narrative we can see that both characters contrast, but one character cannot exist without the other, it is an example of both sides in a person, and Don Quixote represents the defense of one's ideals while Sancho Panza represents the attachment to material things.