This excerpt and the idea that the author tries to convey with it, is the breaking between what was once expected by younger generations of those they perceived as authorities, and the reality presented. It is the disappointment that younger generations had to face when they saw that those they considered mature, better prepared and moral bastions actually were flawed and sometimes, even more than they could be given their age. In fact, as the reflection flows, the speaker first underlines the perceptions young people once had of their authority figures and the expectations they had for guidance and maturation. But as events develop, particularly wars and conflicts of the time, younger generations come to realize that older generations were not what they expected and thus their trust in the older generations´ leadership capacities fails completely. This leads the speaker then to also advise his peers to realize that there is nothing that young people can learn from their elders anymore, who have lost all authority and thus exhorts them to learn to mature and grow on their own and without this guidance from older generations.