Does the material's characterisitcs/composition affect its density,
Every material has unique mass to volume ratio. Therefore changing a material of an object changes its density or we can say mass to volume ratio
Density= mass of material/volume of material
Not always
mass to volume ratio, pressure and temperature
Step-by-step explanation:
"Something is made of" refers to composition of a material. The composition of a material defines it characteristics so Fahd's statement can be re-written as: " Does the material's characterisitcs/composition affect its density".
Density is defined as ratio of mass of a material to its volume at a specific temperature and pressure.It is a physical property of a material. It is affected by temperature and pressure. Temperature affects the volume hence the density of the material. Pressure also afects the volume of the material, hence its density. Each material has unique value of density at a particular temperature and pressue
If an object is changed by changing material at a particular temperature and pressue, that is changing the characteristics or composition of material, then the object's density also changes.
Density of material is changed by changing its mass to volume ratio or by changing its temperature or by changing its pressure, then density of material changes.
From above description it can be inferred that a material's composition or chemial characteristics may remain unchanged, if density changes by changing pressure or temperature of the material