Critique my Essay---- Can you look at my essay, and tell me what I need to improve on?
Why Human Potential is unlimited.
Human potential has been an arguable topic since the beginning of time. I believe that human potential is unlimited, meaning that each of us have an unlimited amount of potential. If you may like it or not, humans have improve drastically from a few thousands of years ago. Not just in categories such as Medicine, Stock Market, Government Polices, but as a whole. This connects to my claim, because if you think about it, humans have improved one step at a time over thousands of years. If we were to go ahead 10,000 years (Lets say that Nuclear war doesn't destroy), you will see that the world has improved, either if its technologically, or as a society. If you go ahead another 10,000 years, you will see that the world has improved even more drastically than before. Keep on going forward 10,000 years, and you will see that through research, dedication, and new ideas and perspectives, you will see the world improve. This connects to my claim, because we could keep going 10,000 years ahead in time, assuming that we aren't destroyed by nuclear destruction and assuming that we put time and effort into our innovations and inventions, you will see the world improve as a whole.
I also believe that not just us as a society have unlimited potential, but each of us individually. Looking at already successful people, none of them were born with abilities. Looking at people such as Albert Einstein, you can see that he started out as a normal being, but put work into his everyday life, and would spend time thinking. This didn't occur to him naturally, he wasn't born with all of this. Einstein turned himself into a genius by reading books, thinking from different perspectives, with courage, and hard work. This connects to my claim of, "Everyone has unlimited Potential.", because Einstein improved his everyday habits, not by being born with it. This also connects to my claim, because Einstein also stated, "The reason I'am so successful is not because I was born with these abilities, it is because I worked hard for it." And if you like it or not, we all know that Einstein wasn't perfect, he could always improve. This connects to my claim, because there is always room for improvement, there are an infinite amount of ways to improve. This connects to my claim, because Einstein decided to improve himself, meaning if we can do such great things with decision, then that means that our potential is unlimited, because there is always room for improvement, either that means eating better, reading more, sleeping earlier and getting up earlier. Human potential is an arguable topic, but there is always room for improvement, if that means meeting somebody new, exercising, spending 2 hours meditating, spending time with family, philosophizing life, taking care of animals. There are an unlimited amount of ideas, which means that humans have unlimited potential, because always with great ideas come great improvement.
Thank you for reading, please give me improvements toward the structure of my Essay.
Your regards
Agubaba Takhneer.