The correct answers are B and D.
B- In Sparta, men did not publicly share their opinions, while in Athens men spoke their minds in political forums.
The functioning of the assembly in Sparta is little known: it is ignored, for example, if it was permissible for any citizen to take the floor to propose a law or amendment, or if in the end the only mission of the assembly was to elect éforos and gerontes. In Aristotle's opinion, the assembly had such limited power that it does not even mention it as a democratic element within the Spartan political regime.
In Athens, the "ekklesia" was the main assembly of democracy. It was established by Solon in 594 BC and had a popular character, open to all male citizens with 2 years of military service.
Among other things, the assembly had the final word on the Athenian legislation, the declarations of war, the signing of peace, military strategy, the election of the strategos and other officers and had the power to call the magistrates to be accountable to her at the end of the year of her mandate.
In the 5th century BC its members amounted to 43,000 people, however, only those with enough wealth to be able to spend much time away from home could have participated regularly, until the reforms of Pericles in 451 and 452 BC, that supposed a payment to perform public tasks, allowed the access of all citizens, regardless of their economic level.
D- In Sparta, women had more freedom while in Athens, women were not allowed to participate in democracy.
Spartan women enjoyed more rights and equality with men than anywhere else in the world of classical antiquity; they could have properties and inherit, as well as receive a better education.
In Athens, social classes were divided by who voted and who did not. Only Athenian men voted; not women, not slaves and not children.