So, first we have to make the denominator (the number at the bottom of the fraction) the same on both sides. How can we make 6 and 4 same? Well, if we both times them by a number, they both will equal 24 which will leave us with the same denominator for both fractions.
We times 6 by 4 to get 24 and because we do this, we must times the numerator (the number at the top of the fraction) by 4 aswell
Our new fraction would look like this:
We still have the other fraction, we follow the same process that we just did but we have different numbers instead. 4x6=24 we times the numerator by 6 aswell. 3x6=18
Our new fraction would look like this:
If we add them together:
Now, we just add the numerators and keep the denominators the same:
If the question wants you to simplify it, it would look like this: