"Iran's government is led by a religious leader(Khomeini) who has more power than the secular Guardian Council."
Step-by-step explanation:
- Role of religion in Iran's government:
Holding great amount of significance in the western Asia, Iran is more culturally diverse form of land. As there are different people belonging to different religion, ethnicity, and more over speak different languages. But, it is now considered that Iran is the hub of Shia-Muslim community. As they are also Muslims but have different terms and regulations. So, they are in the majority and this is when the rivalry begins with the Saudi Arabia. Just because they hold different ideas and values about the religion's history and the people who are related to the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). So, its sort of different type of government system, which leads to a more conservative mindset over all the region, so, what ever may be the political party but the constitution is required to based upon the basics of the religion Islam. As no person is able to pass a bill against the ideas or values of Islam.The system is required to obey the preaching of Islam and must not act offensive by any means to the teaching of Islam. Making all the other communities as minorities inside the region. As the basic rights are provided to all of the individuals belonging to the different religions.