Because children have the most fragile organism, their immune systems are not fully developed, so they may need medical attention as soon as they arrive at the office.
Step-by-step explanation:
The immune system is made up of a network of cells and molecules scattered throughout our bodies, whose role is to recognize and then destroy or inactivate any structure weird - such as a bacterium or a virus. Children are already born with part of this complex system ready and it is developing slowly, the development and production of antibodies only happens in adolescence, around 15 years. For this reason, it is common for children to become ill several times a year and for these diseases to affect their bodies to a great extent, as they are still very fragile due to the developing immune system.
Because of this weakness, children need to be checked as soon as they arrive at the office. To reduce the discomfort caused by any disease and to prevent a possible disease from spreading.