Research can be described as investigating a topic with the use of different materials and sources in order to reach new conclusions and establish facts. There are some steps to follow to be able to conduct a research, some of them being: defining the research problem or topic, review the known information, formulate a hypothesis, collect data, analyse data and report.
"What we find changes who we become" relates to the research process because sometimes we start this process with something in our mind and a set conclusion but during the process of research we will be able to find more facts than we already know and this will change our thoughts and previous conclusions. After discovering new information and back it up with more sources that come to the same conclusion, we will change our ideas and come to new ones, that maybe, were different than we always believe. Research will be able to expand our view of things and add new facts to our ideas. We will be able to create new conclusions and back them up with the new facts we discovered, that in a way, changes us.
MLA paragraph:
One-inch page margins.
Double-spaced paragraphs
A header with author's last name and page number one-half inch from the top of each page.
Name of author, name of professor, title of course, date of paper on the first page of the paper.
A works cited page beginning on a separate page at the end of the paper.