2 1/4
This is adding fractions basically. To add fractions you have to make sure the bottom number (denominator) is the same in all fractions being added. In this case one is 2 and the other is 4, so we cannot in this form.
To make denominators the same it's pretty simple. In fact a good example is using 1/2. Hopefully you agree 2/4 and 3/6 are the same as 1/2. 3 is half of 6, 2 is half of 4 and 1 is half of 2. Now, to do this you just multiply the top number (numerator) and the denominator by the same number. so 1/2 turns to 3/6 since 1*3=3 and 2*3=6. You can do this however you need.
the other fraction has a 4 in the denominator, so we want a 4 in 1/2. That means we multiply both the 1 and 2 in the fraction by 2 to get us 2/4.
Now to add, first we take the whole numbers, so 0+1=1. Now we add the fractions, 2/4+3/4. this gets us 1 1/4, and adding that to 1 gets us 2 1/4
Let me know if you need any more help.