The equation that can be used to find the number of minutes that it would take for the pool to be half full is:
M = (8,520 / 2) / 12
As a result, it would take 355 minutes for the pool to be half full.
First, we must determine how many gallons the half-filled pool has. If completely filled it has a capacity of 8,520 gallons, half-filled this should have a capacity of 8,520 / 2, that is, 4,260 gallons.
Then, we must divide this amount of gallons by the gallons that are lost per minute, that is, 4,260 / 12. In this way we get the amount of minutes it takes for the pool to reach half its capacity.
Then, the equation to determine the amount of minutes (M) it takes for the pool to reach half its capacity is: M = (8,520 / 2) / 12