1). It was the earliest representative assembly in the European colonies", since it was technically a democratic body.
2) Mississippi River.
Oct. 24, 1698—The Sieur d’Iberville and three hundred men left Brest, France to establish a settlement at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
Feb., 1699—Iberville landed and set off to find the ideal spot for a settlement.
March, 1699—Iberville and his men found the mouth of the Mississippi. They continued up the river past what is now Baton Rouge, turned around and came back to the Gulf Coast.
May 1, 1699—A small fort was established on the eastern side of Biloxi Bay. It was called Fort Maurepas in honor of the French Prime Minister.
1702—Iberville moved the survivors of Fort Maurepas to Massacre Island now called Dauphin Island. A new, larger fort was built on the western side of Mobile Bay about thirty miles from the Gulf. It was called Fort St. Louis de la Mobile.
April 27, 1702—Iberville left Louisiana for the last time.
1712—The Louisiana colony was firmly established.