Positive aspect of Information system:
Communication with help of information technology the instant messaging, email, voice and video calls become quicker cheaper and much efficient .
By implementing information system we can bring down the linguistic geographical and cultural boundaries sharing the information, knowledge, communication and relationship between different countries languages and cultures become much easier.
Creation of new type of job: one of the best advantages of information system is the creation of new interesting jobs computer programmers, system analyse, hardware and software developer and web designer are just sum of the many new employment opportunities created with the help of IT.
Negative aspect of Information system:
Dominant Culture: While information technology may have made the world a Globe village it has also contributed to one culture dominating an other weaker one for example it is not argued that US influences how must young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behavior language to have become over shadowed with English becoming the primary more of communication for business and every thing else.
Implementation expense: To integrate the information system it require pretty good amount of cost in a case of software, Hardware and people software, Hardware and some other services should be rented bought and sported employee need to be train with unfamiliar information technology and software