When doing improper fractions, you're going to keep the denominator the same. For example in question number 6, there are 18 triangles filled in so the improper fraction would be 18/5. Mixed numbers consist of the number of whole numbers filled and the remainder in the fraction. Therefore number 7, mixed number is 2 3/5 and the improper fraction would be 13/5. I'll list the rest of the answers below:
8.) Mixed: 1 3/5 Improper: 8/5
9.) Mixed: 4 1/4 Improper: 17/4
10.) 5/4, 7/4
12.) 13/8, 7/4, 19/8, 5/2, 21/8
13.) 4/3, 17/9, 7/3
Note: You can simplify improper fractions, this is why you'll get different denominators on the number line questions.