Answer :
Micro Computer :
Micro computer is a type of computer that is based on micro processor technology. It is smaller than main frame/Mini computer. And have less processing/working capabilities. It is inexpensive than other.
Desktop computers
Laptop / Notebook
Desktop computer :
It is a type micro computer that consist of keyboard, mouse, system unit and a primary displaying screen. It is reliable, efficient. It is inexpensive. It needs continuous power supply
It is a other type of micro computer that is bit expensive then desktop computer it is portable. And also consist of battery to use when power supply are not attach. It's performance is better than desktop computer. Notebook is same as laptop but smaller or lighter than laptop.
It is a type of micro computer. It is also a portable computer and having touch screen display it is smaller than notebook and greater than smartphone it includes various variety of software.
Server computer:
It is also a type of micro computer. it is a powerful computer. It is used in organization to manipulate data. It is powerful than desktop computer and having great processing capability. It is expensive.
Smart phone:
Smart phone are also a type of micro computer. Micro processor are also used in it. It is much expensive, smaller then tablet computer having touch screen display, keypad and also having calling function. It is portable and contains more interesting consists of battery. Nowadays it is need of hour.