After five years, Jenny has an annual salary of $137,008.67
the difference of Donald’s and Jenny’s salaries is $17,791.77
Jenny's annual salary =

Donald's annual salary =

We need to find out annual salary for Jenny after 5 years
Here 't' represents the number of years
So we plug in 5 for t and find out A
Jenny's annual salary =

After five years, Jenny has an annual salary of $137,008.67
Now we find annual salary for Donald after 5 years
So we plug in 5 for t and find out A
Donald annual salary =

To find the difference of Donald and Jenny salary we subtract
Jenny's salary - Donald's salary after 5 years
137,008.67 - 119,216.90= 17791.77
the difference of Donald’s and Jenny’s salaries is $17,791.77