Harmful Effects Summary
Overall Males Females
Chronic Causes 2,982 2,055 927
Acute Causes 3,702 2,657 1,046
Total for All Causes 6,684 4,712 1,973
Harmful Effects
Chronic Causes Overall Males Females
Acute pancreatitis 47 27 19
Alcohol abuse 119 91 28
Alcohol cardiomyopathy 36 30 6
Alcohol dependence syndrome 351 261 90
Alcohol polyneuropathy 0 0 0
Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis 5 4 1
Alcoholic gastritis 0 0 0
Alcoholic liver disease 1,081 773 308
Alcoholic psychosis 38 29 9
Breast cancer (females only) 30 0 30
Cholelithiases 0 0 0
Chronic hepatitis < 1 < 1 < 1
Chronic pancreatitis 17 9 8
Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol 8 7 1
Epilepsy 13 6 6
Esophageal cancer 39 34 5
Esophageal varices 3 3 < 1
Fetal alcohol syndrome 0 0 0
Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol 0 0 0
Gastroesophageal hemorrhage 1 1 < 1
Hypertension 136 74 62
Ischemic heart disease 77 49 27
Laryngeal cancer 21 18 3
Liver cancer 79 59 20
Liver cirrhosis, unspecified 628 385 243
Low birth weight, prematurity, IUGR, death 10 6 4
Oropharyngeal cancer 34 28 6
Portal hypertension 2 2 < 1
Prostate cancer (males only) 17 17 0
Psoriasis 0 0 0
Spontaneous abortion (females only) 0 0 0
Stroke, hemorrhagic 120 95 25
Stroke, ischemic 51 36 15
Supraventricular cardiac dysrhythmia 19 9 10
Subtotal 2,982 2,055 927
Acute Causes Overall Males Females
Air-space transport 9 8 1
Alcohol poisoning 75 57 18
Aspiration 14 8 6
Child maltreatment 11 6 4
Drowning 103 81 22
Fall injuries 596 314 282
Fire injuries 47 28 19
Firearm injuries 3 3 < 1
Homicide 541 425 116
Hypothermia 3 3 < 1
Motor-vehicle nontraffic crashes 16 11 5
Motor-vehicle traffic crashes 945 752 192
Occupational and machine injuries 5 5 0
Other road vehicle crashes 11 9 2
Poisoning (not alcohol) 701 465 237
Suicide 615 477 137
Suicide by and exposure to alcohol 0 0 0
Water transport 8 6 2
Subtotal 3,702 2,657 1,046
Beneficial Effects
Overall Males Females
Chronic Causes
Cholelithiases -1 <-1 <-1
Subtotal -1 <-1 <-1
Acute Causes
Subtotal 0 0 0
Total for All Causes -1 <-1 <-1