Looks like a badly encoded/decoded symbol. It's supposed to be a minus sign, so you're asked to find the expectation of 2X ² - Y.
If you don't know how X or Y are distributed, but you know E[X ²] and E[Y], then it's as simple as distributing the expectation over the sum:
E[2X ² - Y] = 2 E[X ²] - E[Y]
Or, if you're given the expectation and variance of X, you have
Var[X] = E[X ²] - E[X]²
→ E[2X ² - Y] = 2 (Var[X] + E[X]²) - E[Y]
Otherwise, you may be given the density function, or joint density, in which case you can determine the expectations by computing an integral or sum.