1. Approanch
An easy way to calculate one's salary after they recive a raise is to, convert the percent that one's salary is increased into a decimal; divide the percent by 100. Then multiply the increase as a decimal by the original salary, to attain the amount the salary is raised by. Finally add the amount the salary is raised by to the original salary to find the new salary. A quicker way to do this is to convert the percent by the salary is increased into a decimal. Then add 1 to that number. Finally one will multiply that number by the original slary and get the new salary.
2. Solving
Original salary; 1500
Raise; 20%
a. convert the raise as a percent into a decimal, then add 1
20% = 0.2
0.2 + 1 = 1.2
b. multiply the number by the original salary
1.2 * 1500