Answer:wall = int(input("Enter the length of the wall in square feet: "))
paint_price = float(input("Enter the price of an paint bucket: "))
def gallons(sqft):
return round(sqft/112, 2)
def labour():
return gallons(wall) * 8
def paint_cost():
return paint_price * gallons(wall)
def labour_charge():
return labour() * 52.00
def total():
return paint_cost() + labour_charge()
print(f"Number of Gallons of Paint Required: {gallons(wall)}")
print(f"The hours of lab required: {labour()}hours")
print(f"The cost of paint: ${paint_cost()}")
print(f"The labour charges: ${labour_charge()}")
print(f"The Total Cost of the Job: ${round(total(), 2)}")
Step-by-step explanation:
The python program prompts the user for input of the length of a wall in square feet and the price of a gallon of paint. Five functions, gallons(), labour(), paint_cost(), labour_charge() and total() are used to calculate the total cost of the job based on the number of paint and the labour charges.