Step-by-step explanation:
The program using python programming language would be:
First, we write the Input prompt.
Input prompt for the user
number_of_males_in_class = int (input ('Enter the number of males: '))
number_of_females_in_class = int(input('Enter the number of females: '))
Next, we write the Process algorithm.
Process algorithm
total_number_of_students_in_class = number_of_females_in_class + number_of_males
percentage_of_males_in_class = number_of_males_in_class / total_number_of_students
percentage_of_females_in_class = number_of_females / total_number_of_students
Finally, the Output process
Output process
print('Total number of males in class =', format(percentage_of_males_in_class, '.0%'))
print('Total number of females =', format(percentage_of_females_in_class, '.0%'))