First, let's try simplifying the first equation as much as we can. As you know, you can add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc on both sides of the equation and it will remain the same value. To simplify
we can simply add 5 to both sides to cancel the -5 on the left-hand side. That will give us
, notice we added the 5 to both sides. The +5 cancels -5 and 16+5 is 21, which evaluates to
. And this equation looks familiar, it's our second equation actually. That's why both equations are the same, and in that x value that makes the first equation true, it will also do the same for the second equation. If you want to actually find the value of x which makes the equation true, you can simply divide the 21 on the right-side by 3 to make x coefficient equal to 1,
, and that gives us,
. When x is 7 both equations are true.