Many consumers are interested in buying from companies that consider animal welfare.
Step-by-step explanation:
Factory farms, also known as Operators of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are interested in maximizing their production efficiency to increase their profits, regardless of the animals´ health and growing conditions. These factories tend to prioritize rapid growth and production over animal welfare, which might be an important reason to think that they do not care about the quality of their product, more than they do about their earnings.
Since during the last years, there is a sharp increase in the people´s conscientization of animal welfare and the conditions in which they are grown, probably the most effective argument for the improved treatment of animals in CAFOs is that many consumers are interested in buying from companies that consider animal welfare.
People who care about animal conditions will not consume animal products from factory farms, which eventually ends by affecting these factories´ profits. If CAFOs improve animal treatment and get higher animal welfare standards, they will have more people consuming their products, which is basically their main interest.