Your marketing pitch should be a 2- to 5-minute persuasive oral presentation with a visual, such as a
poster, video, or slide presentation. It should include the following:
An explanation of CTSOs and student clubs and the value they bring to the community
The name of the CTSO or club you are recommending
Benefits that the CTSO or club you are recommending would bring to middle school students
• Benefits that the CTSO or club you are recommending would bring to the community
1. Review the feedback you received on the Pitch Draft Template Graded Assignment, and the
feedback you've received on your visual aid. If you're working with a group, collaborate with your
group to improve your work based on this feedback. If you're working on your own, take some time
now to reflect and revise this material.
2. Practice delivering your pitch independently, or with your group, until you are confident.
3. Be prepared to present your pitch live to the class or record it to present digitally
4. Add the citations for the sources you used to complete this project to this document. Only include
sources that are credible and relevant to your submission
5. Attach any associated project files to turn in along with this document.
6. To submit an online document or product, copy and paste the link in this document.
7. Submit this document with your citations and your project for grading.
Type your citations here.