9514 1404 393
- the product is equal to 409
- the product is less than 751
- the product is less than 173
A fraction has a numerator (above the fraction bar) and denominator (below the fraction bar). The denominator tells you the number of equal pieces one whole is divided into. The numerator tells you how many of those pieces you have.
If you have fewer than the total number of pieces, you have less than the whole amount.
If the numerator and denominator are equal, you have exactly the whole amount.
If the numerator is larger than the denominator, you have more than the whole amount.
The first fraction, 72/72 is equal to 1. Multiplying by that value gives the original number. The product is equal to 409.
The second and third fractions have numerators less than their denominator. They represent less than the whole amount, so multiplying by those values will give a product less than the original number:
less than 751
less than 173