Make sure you are there for your friends, that you listen to their wants and needs, and make time for them.
Step-by-step explanation:
Any kind of relationship needs good maintenance and communication. If you wish to have a good friendship, you have to make sure to listen carefully to your friends – what they talk, like, need, want, and expect in life as well as in friendship. If any problems arise, be sure to communicate them openly and nonaggressively.
If your friends have problems, listen to them and try to help them. Depending on how close you are, you should prioritize your connections – the closer you feel to someone, you should pay more attention to them.
Be sure to spend quality time with friends. We are all full of various obligations in time, but good connections need time to grow and maintain, so you must consciously work on making time for your relationships. Be sure to do together what you both enjoy in.