5.) 13,841,287,201 x 2,401. 6.) 64⁴.
PEMDAS requires parenthesis first, then exponents, then multiplication/division, and then addition/subtraction. For 5, lets find 7¹². According to my calculations, that is 13,841,287,201. Now for 7⁴. According to my calculations, that is 2,401. Now, we have 13,841,287,201 x 2,401. In math, an expression is a problem. If I solve it, it wouldn't be an expression, so I'll just leave it at that. For 6, we do the parenthesis first. 8² is 64. 64 to the fourth power is 16,777,216. If I solved it, it wouldn't be an expression, so we have to leave it at 64⁴. If you are wondering, 64⁴ is equal to 16,777,216. I hope this helps!