Step-by-step explanation:
Fake tree or real tree? Its a question that's been argued for quite sometime now. There are many reasons to buy both but personally, I prefer the fake tree. Some benefits of a fake tree is it last longer, its cheaper, and its less work.
A fake tree can last for as long as you want it too. A real tree can only be used for one Christmas because of expiration dates after its been cut down, but a real tree all you have to do is pack it up, leave it there for a year, bring it out again at Christmas time! Its cheaper in the long run because every year you are buying a new tree for Christmas with a real tree, but with a fake tree you buy it once and BOOM, you have it for years to come. Its less work because you have to go out to a store or find some tree selling place to go buy your tree every single year, then put it in your car and take it out. Fake trees are a one time deal. Packing isn't too bad but cleaning and dumping a dead real tree? To much hassle for me. Which is why a fake tree is superior.
Hope this helps and don't be afraid to reach out with any more questions!