"Young/teenage" OR "wicked/atrocities" are redundant as they imply the same meaning, making their usage unnecessary or excessive.
Redundancy is when a word or phrase is invalid or useless, or unnecessary due to its nature of excessiveness. In simple words, it means when words are used in excess, then, one of the words is redundant as the meanings of the words used are all the same.
In the given statement, there are a couple of words that are redundant. Words like "young/teenage" and "wicked/atrocities" are redundant as they are used together though they imply the same meaning. So, either remove one of the two words used together to remove or refrain from a case of redundancy.
So, the correct answer is "young" and "teenage" OR "wicked" and "atrocities". And they are redundant because they signify the same meaning, thus providing excess information making them redundant.