I am going to go with the answer of person v person since I do not see person v society. I can argue that person v self does come to mind if I try to analyze the whole situation. If you are viewing this as two popular girls then this is person v person. Our society has put certain messages out there that only certain people can be in a contest. The fact that it is a beauty contest is important. You must realize that beauty is the thing that is being judged. Not that that is correct or okay in our society. I literally think it is ridiculous. Beauty is not what is on the inside.
Now, if one of the girl's had low self esteem, it might be considered that she was having a mental battle within herself to help her decide if she is "good" enough to compete. But in all honesty, I do not think this question is about person v self. Stick with the person v person because it is a competition and there will be a winner.
Step-by-step explanation: